Microcall Galleries

Galleries offer managers dynamic, customizable reports without the complexity of new portals. Bookmarkable URLs grant direct access to real-time and historical graphical data, enhancing informed decision-making. Only available in Release 9.0

Introducing Galleries

How can you provide critical, actionable information to managers that maximizes ease of access and allows for information self service?

Emailing static reports is helpful but tend to generate more questions than they answer. Giving managers access to a portal provides more information, but managers don’t need yet another portal to learn and log into.

Galleries is The Best of Both Worlds 

  • Microcall Admins can design a Gallery, and then push this interactive Gallery to other managers via email.
  • Managers can bookmark a url the gives them direct access to a customized report for their group.
  • This graphical report can have real time data and historical data.
  • The graphs are not static but can support drill-downs into the underlying data.
  • Galleries are pre-configured so you can quickly modify default options rather than starting from scratch.

Galleries are now available only from Microcall in release 9.0.  Let us show you Galleries in a live demonstration today.